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The Project


The LIFE MySOIL project develops a competitive and innovative technology to demonstrate the feasibility of mycoremediation to remediate all petroleum-derived organic pollutants from aged industrial contaminated soils.


Soil pollution constitutes one of the main threats to the health of soil ecosystems in Europe, in terms of complexity, toxicity and recalcitrance. There are about 2.8 million sites potentially contaminated, with 650,000 of them being identified as requiring remediation; among them, only 15% have been already treated [Status of local soil contamination in Europe: Revision of the indicator “Progress in the management Contaminated Sites in Europe” (No. JRC107508), 2018]. Recent estimates found that mineral oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), also commonly referred to as total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs), amount to an estimated mean value of 35% of all contaminants present in European soil. This percentage increase to 50% if BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene) and volatile organic compounds (VOC) are included.


The consortium of the project is coordinated by Eurecat, and counts with the participation of 7 associated beneficiaries including the Madrid Autonomous University and the engineering KEPLER (Spain), University of Tuscia and the project management and engineering Eni Rewind (Italy), the engineering VALGO (France), the fungal provider company Novobiom (Belgium) and the environmental consultancy providing services on monitoring Isodetect (Germany).

The LIFE MySOIL project invites you to submit an abstract in the occasion of a special session on mycoremediation, as part of the RemTech Europe conference and exhibition. 

The session will bring together researchers, practitioners and policymakers to discuss the latest advances on mycoremediation. This will include laboratory and on-field applications of soil bioremediation for the most part, but other implementation opportunities will also be considered. The session will contain both presentations from the European project LIFE MySOIL and others selected from submitted abstracts.

The session will take place in-person on Thursday, 19th of September 2024, from 9:00 to 13:30 in Ferrara during RemTech Europe 2024
