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The Project

The project H2020 PROMISCES aims to understand the origins, exposures routes and fates and transport of of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and industrial persistent, mobile, and potentially toxic pollutants (iPM(T)s in the soil-sediment-water system. The project develops, tests and demonstrates new technologies and innovations to monitor, evaluate, prevent and remediate PFAS and iPM(T)s under real-life conditions in 7 seven case studies localised in 6 countries. The project is developing different remediation technologies to remove these pollutants from soils, sediments, surface- and groundwater, since they can be harmful to human health.

RemTech Europe Conference – Wednesday 18 September 14:30 – 18:30
PROMISCES: PFAS treatment technologies for contaminated sites : soils, sediments and groundwater

Download the full program LINK

Link registration https://forms.gle/7kbbbsKw8TpMLvsr5
