Joytishna Jit
Dr Joytishna Jit is a policy analyst working as the Program Leader for CRCCARE (a partnership of government, universities and industry) to lead the development of national guidance on site contamination assessment and remediation. She recently led the development of the Australian Remediation Framework for the Management and Remediation of Contaminated Sites (NRF).
Hans Slenders is an expert on soil and groundwater, who works for the consultancy Arcadis in the Netherlands. He has a track record in remediation, soil policy, groundwater management, sustainable remediation and emerging contaminants. He is the ambassador Sustainable Remediation for the European Industry network NICOLE and chairs the working group Land Stewardship.
Paul Bardos is the managing director of r3 Environmental Technology Ltd. He is co-chair of the UK Sustainable Remediation Forum (SuRF-UK). He is a Visiting Professor at Reading University of, and international “GSR” expert for the Ministry of Environmental and Ecology, China, a short term consultant for the World Bank and a Chartered Environmentalist.
Ramboll UK Limited
Lisa Pizzol, PhD in environmental science. Her research interests are in risk assessment and management of contaminated sites and brownfields, analysis of stakeholders’ roles and perspectives in land regeneration projects, LCA and sustainability assessment of products, processes, technologies and development of Decision Support Systems for environmental problems. She is president of GreenDecision srl, a spin off company of the university Ca’ Foscari of Venice.
Duncan is a director of EDIA Limited, an independent environmental insurance consultant and broker. Duncan assists his clients with understand environmental risk associated with their business (operations, property or development) and arranges insurance programmes to assist in the management of these liabilities.
José Gouvêa is Geologist, specialized in Petroleum Geology, MSc in Environmental Technologies and PhD in Hydrogeology and Environment at USP (São Paulo University). José Gouvea has 15 years of experience in environmental consulting focused on investigation and remediation of contaminated sites. He is currently Manager of Environmental Projects and Liabilities at Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (Steel Industry), Vice President of Industry Committee and leader of the Working Group on Intrusion of Soil Vapor at NICOLE Latin America.
Mateus Evald, geological engineer working with High-Resolution Site Investigation and Data Management at Finkler Ambiental in São Paulo, Brazil. Responsible for designing site specific investigation plans using a variety of real time measurement tools, data management and 3D modeling.
Director of Soil and Groundwater Management and Brownfield Approvals at Waterfront Toronto with over 25 years of experience in environmental consulting, risk assessment and remediation including research and development on new and emerging technologies through bench and pilot studies. Meggen is currently guiding the environmental strategy and environmental risk management for the $1.2B Port Lands flood protection project on Toronto’s waterfront.
José Gouvêa is Geologist, specialized in Petroleum Geology, MSc in Environmental Technologies and PhD in Hydrogeology and Environment at USP (São Paulo University). José Gouvea has 15 years of experience in environmental consulting focused on investigation and remediation of contaminated sites. He is currently Manager of Environmental Projects and Liabilities at Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (Steel Industry), Vice President of Industry Committee and leader of the Working Group on Intrusion of Soil Vapor at NICOLE Latin America.
Ugo Bacchiega, environmental engineer working since 15 years in BBT SE (Brenner Basistunnel Galleria di Base del Brennero) as Italian side environmental manager, is responsible for environmental planning, the authorisation process, the environmental monitoring, the environmental management system, the environmental surveillance of the construction BBT sites and eventual site remediation where requested. Before joining BBT SE he worked for ten years for several multinational environmental engineering companies.
Joaquim Halen, Environmental Engineer working at Haemers Technologies as a project engineer and an account Manager. Main roles are to ensure the follow up of offers, present the technology, support of ongoing projects on site and from the office.
Christina Makri, as a student in Environmental Science and Sustainability (BSc) at the University of Glasgow, she was involved in an industrial placement with the Environmental Reclamation Services Ltd (ERS) working on chemical oxidising agent treatability testing. Now she is studying towards a Master’s degree in Environmental Pollution and Remediation at the University of Aberdeen.
Mariangela Venco, Environmental Engineer, working in Eni Rewind SpA (Eni’s environmental company), where she manages the engineering department in charge of decommissioning design. Her main expertise in industrial decommissioning covers: Design management of complex chemical plants decommissioning; Design of big ACM removal project; Technical support to procurement process; Technical support to project execution; Development of company guidelines for design of decommissioning operations.
Scott D. Warner is a Principal Hydrogeologist and Environmental Remediation specialist with Ramboll. Scott is based in the San Francisco, California USA area and has nearly 35 years of professional experience in consulting hydrogeology and groundwater remediation at sites around the globe with a specialty in in situ remediation techniques. In addition to his professional practice, he is a doctoral researcher in the subject of climate change impact on remediation design at the University of Newcastle, Australia.
Chief of R&D in Alpha Cleantec AG. Switzerland,
Researcher in Applied Chemistry from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
A specialist on the fields of soil and wastewater remediation, optimization of chemical process and scale-up, advanced oxidation process, green chemistry, environmental technologies.
Troy Lizer, Chemist / Chemical Engineer / Conversational Geologist, serving as Technical Sales Manager for Provectus Environmental Products and company lead on Provect-EBR®, ElectroBioReactor, technology. He is directly involved in site review and technology selection and optimization both domestic in the US as well as sites in Europe, SE Asia, and Australia.
Hans Zijlstra is founder and managing director of GeoChemTec, a Netherlands based company for the development, design, and application of innovative environmental management, using geochemical technology and minerals. Cooperating with industry and research institutes, he gained experience in the successful treatment of heavy-metal contaminated water, rock and soil from abandoned historical mines in Mediterranean countries.
Eng. Marcello Carboni is the Regional Manager for Europe at REGENESIS. He joined the company in 2011. In his current role he coordinates the European Sales and Technical teams and evaluates the development potential of new countries. Marcello has 20 years contaminated land experience, having provided successful remediation designs and implementation on over one thousand projects across Italy and other countries in Europe. He is also a recognized speaker at many Italian and international contaminated land conferences.
George (Bud) Ivey is the President and Senior Remediation Specialist with Ivey International Inc. He has over twenty-five years of environmental remediation experience, and has worked on over 2500 environmental projects internationally taking him to 55 countries. He has invented and patented many innovative remediation technologies including the Ivey-sol Surfactant Remediation Technology. He has received many international environmental awards for his work.
Iheb Bouzid is a research engineer working in Institut UTINAM. He obtained his PhD thesis in chemistry in 2019. He is specialized in in situ treatements of groundwater and soils using innovative technologies.
Gerd Van den Daele, environmental engineer and hydrogeologist (PhD), working for Ramboll in Brazil, where he is head of the Site Solutions department.
Dr. Robert (Bob) Borden, PE, serves as Principal Engineer for EOS Remediation, LLC and Professor Emeritus at North Carolina State University. The focus of his research, teaching and professional practice is the natural and enhanced remediation of groundwater contaminants including petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, explosives and propellants, MTBE, 1,4-dioxane, and acid rock drainage.
Antonella Vecchio, structural engineer, working in ISPRA (institute for Environmental Protection and Research) in contaminated land management field. Her main research activities cover environmental modelling and risk assessment of contaminated sites an she is coordinating the National Working Group on risk assessment. She is Country representative in many European and International Working Groups (Common Forum, ICCL, Eionet, EEA WG Soil Contamination, EC Soil Expert Group).
Luca Alberti is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano – Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA). Since 2001 he has taught. His research activity concerns groundwater flow and transport modelling in porous media for groundwater management with a special focus on groundwater resources management and characterization and remediation of plumes in contaminated sites.
Paolo Giandon, agricultural engineer working in ARPAV (Environmental Protection Agency of Veneto Region) as Manager of Soil Monitoring and Remediation Service, which is in charge of increasing soil quality knowledge in order to assess the impact of industrial and agricultural activities on soils of the region.
Debora Romoli, chemist working in ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), expert in regulatory environmental risk assessment and hazardous chemicals under the REACH and CLP regulations. Member of ECOSOC Committee of Experts on the GHS (Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals). Adviser at RAC (Risk Assessment Committee) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). Inspector in REACH and CLP activities. Author of numerous publications in accredited and specialized journals.
Nicolas Fatin-Rouge is professor in physical chemistry at the University of Poitiers, France. He works on innovative remediation and monitoring technologies methods through R&D projects within institution-industrial partnerships.
Officer at Lazio Region with a MA in Environmental Law He has been working for twenty years in EC funded projects as project manager, mainly in the evnironmental policy’s sectors.
Stephanie Fiorenza, Ph.D., Officer of Committee E50 of ASTM International, where she leads the task group on PFAS Sampling and Analytical and is the Membership Secretary. She is a remediation technology specialist with expertise in cleanup of PFAS and chlorinated solvents and application of innovative approaches during investigation and remediation.
Rick McGregor is the senior technical advisor at IRSL and specializes in the remediation of impacted sites using a variety of methods and approaches. He is a hydrogeologist with post graduate degrees from the University of Waterloo in Canada.
Alberto Ubaldini, chemist, working since 2019 in ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, where he carries out experimental activities in various sectors, including the development of new methods of abatement of micro-pollutants, in water and gaseous systems and the investigation of radioactive tracers for the study of environmental dynamics.
Jeyanny Vijayanathan is a research officer in Forest Research Institute Malaysia. She is a registered soil chemist working on soil carbon dynamics, fertility, bioremediation . She is involved with several international projects with International Foundation of Science (IFS) and the FAO Working Group on soil pollution.
Chuck Chuan NG is an Assistant Professor at the China-ASEAN College of Marine Sciences, Xiamen University Malaysia. Dr Chuck’s research interests are mainly related to environmental pollution and bioremediation as well as eco-sustainability and green management.
He is an environmental engineer, MSc graduate of Sustainable Biotechnology, interested in bioremediation applications of bacterial strains capable of pesticide degradation. Through collaboration with University of Copenhagen, he has performed interdisciplinary work regarding biological control of fungal pathogens.
Iason Verginelli is a researcher at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in the field of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. He has over 10 years experience in human health risk assessment and characterization and remediation of contaminated sites. Currently, he is working on a number of projects related to vapor intrusion including field investigations and model development.
Dr Charles Lee is a Program Convenor and Senior Lecturer at the University of Newcastle (Australia) Singapore. His research areas include remediation of contaminated sites, and ecological rehabilitation of degraded land. Recently, he is collaborating on: real-time water quality monitoring; use of hyperaccumulator plant (Sedum alfredii) to remove heavy metals in Southern China; and restoration of damaged peatlands in Indonesia.
Pieter Buffel is an Environmental Engineer working as teamleader of the EnISSA group. He is responsible for the development and application of innovative High Resolution Site Characterisation tools since 2012. He has extensive experience in supporting site investigations with EnISSA’s unique MIP approach: a compound specific and sensitive tool to map (c)VOC’s in soil and groundwater.
Chiara Telloli, geologist working in ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) in the Traceability Laboratory related to monitoring and analyses of radioisotopes based on the safety and security of human health and environment. She is involved in several international projects with EURATOM2020 network.
As a researcher with InnoTech Alberta, Ms. Levy identifies and develops innovative approaches in the assessment, remediation and reclamation of land and water affected by industrial activities. Key focus areas include: improving process efficiency in addressing upstream oil and gas liabilities in Alberta; soil handling and remediation; validation and optimization of remediation and reclamation technologies and processes; supporting risk assessment and mitigation through experimental design and testing; accidental release prevention and management; and, program development to guide multi-stakeholder innovation initiatives. She is a theme lead for the Clean Resources Innovation Network (CRIN)’s ‘Novel Land and Wellsite Reclamation’ theme. She is fluent in French and Spanish.
Rizia Miranda Aguiar is a PhD student in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master in Environmental Management and Sustainability, specialist in Management of Environmental Projects and has been acting as a specialist in the remediation of contaminated areas, coordinating the diagnostic and remediation team of Cetrel, working with megasites projects.
Pieter Buffel is an Environmental Engineer working as teamleader of the EnISSA group. He is responsible for the development and application of innovative High Resolution Site Characterisation tools since 2012. He has extensive experience in supporting site investigations with EnISSA’s unique MIP approach: a compound specific and sensitive tool to map (c)VOC’s in soil and groundwater.
Dr. Mark Kram is a Hydrogeochemist with more than 30 years of experience, and the Founder and CTO for Groundswell Technologies, Inc. – a group specializing in automated Cloud based monitoring and modeling of environmental sensor and analytical instrumentation networks. Dr. Kram (a recipient of the National Ground Water Association’s Technology Award) is an internationally recognized expert in site characterization and remediation, and has been instrumental in the areas of sensor development and implementation, innovative GIS applications, real-time DNAPL detection, chemical field screening, well design, mass flux/discharge based remediation performance, water sustainability, groundwater basin yield and storage change assessment, and has been credited with gaining international approval for use of direct push wells for long term groundwater monitoring.
Jason Mi, Founder & Managing Director of VESP (VeCity Environmental Solutions Platform) and senior expert in Chinese environmental market. VESP as a non-profitable platform is dedicated to promote comprehensive environmental solutions and reliable business models in China via bridging all stakeholders and boosting China-EU partnership. Soil / groundwater remediation and upgrading existing wastewater treatment facilities are currently two of our top priorities.
V C Padmanaban, environmental engineer involved in developing a sustainable solution for water pollution through various Advanced Oxidation and Reduction processes. He is dealing with the detection and treatment of emerging contaminants of environmental concerns.
Sara Demaria is a biotechnologist working in the Laboratory of Plant Cytophysiology of Ferrara University and she is a research fellow of Terra&Acqua Tech Laboratory of Ferrara Technopole. She is involved in the VALUE CE-IN (VALorizzazione di acque reflUE e fanghi in ottica di economia CircolarE e simbiosi INdustriale) project supported by POR FERS 2014-2020 and granted by the Emilia Romagna region. The project concerns the use of microalgae for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from the sludge of the Hera-Ferrara wastewaters treatment plant.
André Luís de Castro Peixoto, a doctor of science in chemical engineering and associate professor working in IFSP (Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technolgy of Sao Paulo) in advanced oxidation processes of emerging contaminants, environmental analysis, statistics, and chemical reaction engineering. He is involved in mentoring undergraduate students and projects with public funding agencies as Fapesp.